Monday, June 13, 2011

Important Announcements

  •  June 16th (Thursday)  Rick Torrison will be ministering to us.  Get ready and don’t miss it.  He has an anointed message for us about relationships.   
    This will be our first opportunity to bless a guest speaker.  Please ask the Holy Spirit what He thinks and feels about that.   The basket and envelops will be available and you will need to write on the giving slip that it is for Rick.  We won’t pass the basket so this is your heads up.
  • June 23rd (not this Thursday but next) we will be at the Davis’s.
  • July 9th (Saturday)  Seminar with Chris and Kelli Hopkins.  
    • They will return from IHOP and give us an IHOP impartation LOL!  We are planning on having multiple sessions of teaching, ministry time, and worship from around 2 till 9pm at the Bridge with a break for dinner.   At this point, we have no childcare plans  (so you may want to start making your own arrangements). 


    1. We will likely be having our Israel garage sale on the 9th, just so everyone knows!

    2. Emma! I have SO much stuff to contribute to the garage sale! At least it seems like a lot... baby stuff, picture frames, toys, lots of wire coat hangers if you need them for hanging clothes at the sale, some books, furniture... I am definitely nesting and wanting to get rid of EVERYTHING I can! : )
